Welcome, I’m happy you’re here!
I’m Amanda. A lifelong journaler, inner work mentor, artist & woman in recovery from 'all the things’.
For most of my life, I outsourced my sense of self.
I looked to others for the answers to the questions that kept me up at night: Who am I? Am I doing enough? Am I okay? Are you mad at me?
At first, I rejected the whole game. I rebelled, I numbed, I masked, I pretended I didn’t care. I drank too much, chased danger, pushed boundaries—daring the world to tell me I mattered.
And when that didn’t work? I swung the other way—striving, perfecting, over-functioning & delivering.
I tried to earn my worth. I became accommodating, helpful, pleasing—hoping to earn the safety and belonging that rebellion had failed to bring me.
But neither version of me was free.
I built a life around proving and punishing myself, desperate to get it right, whatever right was.
It took crisis after crisis before I realized:
The only person who could answer these questions was me.
So, I stopped running. I started listening. And I learned that real clarity doesn’t come from fixing, controlling, or forcing. It comes from coming home to yourself—again and again.
This is the work I do now.
I trained as a therapist, coach, and facilitator—not because I had it all figured out, but because I needed a way to navigate the messy, uncharted road of self-acceptance.
And now, I help other women do the same.
Not by handing them a checklist for happiness. Not by pushing them to be better, more, different. But by guiding them back to themselves—helping them unlearn all the rules that keep them small.
Unlearning people-pleasing.
Unlearning perfectionism.
Unlearning the lie that you have to earn your worth.
That’s what I write about here. It’s what my podcasts are about. It’s what every single offering I share with you is leading toward:
What would your life look like if you weren’t afraid?
Afraid of judgment. Afraid of failure. Afraid of taking up space, or worse—getting it wrong.
What would it be like to stop striving & start living for yourself? Sounds selfish, right?
But here’s the thing:
Your happiness is a gift.
Not just for you, but for the world around you. When you reclaim your joy, you reclaim yourself. And that—more than anything—is what the world needs.
Welcome, I’m happy you’re here.
Amanda x
About the podcasts!
TRBH is about unlearning everything that’s kept us stuck—people-pleasing, perfectionism, control—and figuring out what happiness actually looks like when we stop performing for everyone else and start living for ourselves.
My sister Mel and I have been on that journey for a decade, and we invite listeners into real, raw, and often funny conversations about the messy, beautiful work of coming home to yourself.
You can listen by clicking on the PODCAST TAB in the menu at the top of this page.
And we’re also on APPLE & SPOTIFY if you prefer to listen there.
‘WE’RE SOBER, NOW WHAT?’, I co-host with my sober friend & colleague
Because sobriety isn’t just about not drinking—it’s about building a life that’s bigger, brighter & more fulfilling than you ever thought possible.
But getting there? That’s a whole journey in itself.
If you’d like these episodes delivered to your inbox for free, you can subscribe to that email list HERE.
And we’re also on APPLE & SPOTIFY if you prefer to listen there.
What You’ll Get as a Free Subscriber
The Road Back Home Podcast: delivered straight to your inbox.
You’ll also have access to posts on the following themes:
Lessons Learned: Stories, through which I uncover what life was trying to teach me, even when I didn’t want to learn. Some lessons I welcomed, others I did not, but each one cleared the path to a calmer, more joyful life.
Creativity: I deeply believe in the power of creativity to help us find uniquely personal responses to life’s challenges. Here, I share how I use creativity to make sense of my inner world—offered in the hope that it inspires you to embrace and trust your own creative process.
Want to go deeper?
I invite you to consider upgrading to a paid subscription. You’ll have access to all of the above, plus:
Journal prompts with every post
Inspired Finds: where I share the found treasures that fill my bucket. They’re not just discoveries—they’re sparks of joy, moments of magic & personal gifts that transform the everyday into something extraordinary.
Deeper Invitations to ‘Do the Work’: Actionable tools, guidance, practices, and resources to support your journey.
Opportunities to ask anonymous questions or request podcast / article topics.
A paid subscription will be $5/month or $50/year.